Talking to Children about Race

How do our own experiences shape how we talk about race? Why is it so hard to talk about race with kids? How can we use everyday events as teaching moments? Join us for a presentation by Dr. Diane Hughes, a panel, and breakout discussion groups for practical tips on approaching the topic of race with your children.

March 26, 2019 at 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Tuscan Elementary School
Community Coalition on Race Office · · 9737616116
John Kerner Susanna Einstein Toni Ann Kruse Judy Mura Heather Herz Patricia Azeez Nancy Gagnier Bernadette Anderson

Who's RSVPing

John Kerner
Susanna Einstein
Toni Ann Kruse
Judy Mura
Heather Herz
Patricia Azeez
Nancy Gagnier
Bernadette Anderson

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